Help Us Feed the Hungry
Lafaro Insurance Agency, Sixth Annual Food Drive
November 2, 2018, Bello’s Shur-Fine Food Mart
This Saturday, the Lafaro Insurance Agency team will be host their sixth annual food drive outside of Bello’s Shur-Fine Food Mart. All food and money donations made will be in honor of the Second Harvest Food Bank. This time of the year can be extremely difficult for those whom may not have a lot. These donations can help people and their families throughout the holiday season. Second Harvest Food Bank’s goal is to restock supplies and generate donations for the food pantry for the Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons, so anything helps.
Join us on Saturday for Smith’s Hot Dogs, music, and a chance to help out your community. Lafaro Insurance Agency Team will be present at Bello’s Shur-Fine Food Mart from 9am to 4pm.
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