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August 24, 2016

Tara Stonestreet | Testimony

July 14, 2016

Corey Spacht | Auto Insurance Testimony

There is an approximately 84% of households that have vehicles. Many people need automobiles to get from place to place. Not only do we know how useful they can be, but we also understand the fact that  driving an automobile can be dangerous. Even when you strictly obey traffic laws, other drivers may not. These situations can lead to unforeseen consequences. […]
July 1, 2016

Benjamin Pratt | Home Insurance Testimony

Having a home is the dream of many people. However, on the way to achieve your dream, some daunting paper works and policy can trigger lots of frustration. The process of buying a home is no less than 10 steps, including hiring a buyer agent, getting pre-approved, finding the perfect home, making money deposit, etc. During the […]

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