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July 21, 2011

Ten Trouble-Free Tips for Travelers

Will you be one of the millions on the road this summer?

Safety is one of the most important things to consider as you pack your car and leave home. To help you get ready for your next road trip, the National Crime Prevention Council recommends these 10 tips for travelers:

At Home
1. Check all the locks before you leave home. Each door and window should have a sturdy lock.
2. Use motion-detection lights outside and trim hedges to reduce potential hiding places for burglars.
3. Set automatic timers on a few interior lights to give the impression that someone is home.
4. Ask the post office to hold your mail or ask a trusted friend or neighbor to collect it while you are away. Do the same with home delivery of newspapers.

 On the Road
5. Pay attention to your surroundings.
6. Pick well lit gas stations and always remove your keys and lock the car doors while you are pumping gas.
7. Protect your valuables (GPS, MP3 players, cell phones) by keeping them out of plain view in your vehicle and lock the doors even if you are stepping away from the vehicle for just a moment.
8. Take only the credit and other cards you will need. Leave the others at home, stored securely.
9. Never leave your hotel room unlocked, even to go to the ice or vending machine.
10. Don’t open the door at a hotel or at home to someone who you don’t know well or trust.

It’s important, too, not to forget the basics: buckle your seat belt and keep your eyes on the road. Driving is a skill that requires your full attention to safely control your vehicle and respond to the events happening on the roads around you.

It’s good to have an insurance company that will be there if you ever have an accident or need to file a claim. To check on your coverage, contact our agency.  We will review your current policies and help ensure that your car and home are properly insured. Call 814-866-5528

*Not all companies are licensed or operate in all states. Not all products are offered in all states. Go to for company licensure and territory information.

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