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May 31, 2011

Tornado Statistics and Safety

Recent activity for tornados has been on the rise.  Here are some statistics: 

January – 29 tornadoes were reported, of which 16 were confirmed.  February – 61 tornadoes reported, of which 63 were confirmed.  March – 95 tornadoes reported, of which at least 57 were confirmed.  April – 875 tornadoes reported, of which at least 660 were confirmed.  May – 148 tornadoes reported, of which at least 79 were confirmed.  Based on preliminary totals, that set a new all-time monthly record, breaking the previous record of 542 in May 2003 and more than doubling the old record for April (267 in 1974) in Alabama, the monthly respectively.

Safety Tips:  Seek shelter under a sturdy table in the basement.  If no basement is available, go to a first floor small interior room or a room on the opposite side from a tornado.  Stay away from windows. In schools, churches, and shopping center, go to a designated shelter away from outside walls, glass, and large rooms (mall, auditoriums).  Get under a table or counter or in a restroom or small storeroom.  DO NOT GO TO YOUR PARKED CAR!  In motels, lie down in the lowest level interior hallway away from glass.  Dive under a bed or pull a mattress on top of you as last resort.  In a vehicle, drive away at a right angle to the storm movement.  DO NOT GET CAUGHT IN YOUR VEHICLE!  Abandon your vehicle and lie in a ditch or culvert or under a low bridge.  Underground and under a table are the watchwords.  People who get under something usually survive.

Keep in mind:  The insurance peril “wind” includes coverage for tornadoes.

Tags: Insurance, weather, what-to-do

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